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Using the Library: Circulation Policies

A guide to using Thorne Library's resources.

Patron Types

​​​​​Faculty, Staff, & Students

  • Faculty, Staff, and Students automatically receive access to the library when their staff/student ID is activated. Permissions include access to databases both on and off campus, as well as to the Thorne Library Collection, OhioLINK, SearchOhio, and Interlibrary Loans.
  • Specific loan rules and limits are below.

Guest Patrons

  • Guest patron accounts are for community members who wish to become patrons of the Thorne Library. Such patrons receive access to library databases when on campus and may request items from the Thorne Library Collection, OhioLINK, SearchOhio, and Interlibrary Loans.
  • Specific loan rules and limits are below.
  • Want to become a guest patron of the Thorne Library? Request a library card here:

Visiting Patrons

  • This means that you are a patron at another OhioLINK institution. You will be able to receive items at our library through Pick-Up Anywhere or checkout items through the Visiting Patron process, but your loan rules will be determined by your home library.
Patron Type Max Items Max Holds Max owed
before account
is locked
Student 50 10 $5.00
Faculty 100 25 $200
Staff 50 10 $200
Guest Patron 25 10 $5.00

How Do I Request Materials?

MVNU patron process

  • If you are an Thorne Library patron, you can request materials from the MVNU Catalog, OhioLINK, or SearchOhio. Simply have your last name and patron ID ready to enter, and follow the prompts on each page to request items. 

Visiting patron process

  • This means that you are a patron at another library within the OhioLINK network, but you are checking out materials from our institution (or vice-versa).
  • E.g. you walk into the Ohio State library and see a book you would like to check. You can take that book to their circulation desk and say, “I am a visiting patron.” They will then look you up by your institution (Mount Vernon Nazarene University) and check the item out to you via your MVNU patron account.
  • How do I know if a library is part of OhioLINK? Consult this list:

Pick-Up anywhere process

  • This means that you are a patron at another library within the OhioLINK network, but are having materials delivered to out institution (or vice-versa). So, in this process, three libraries are involved: the one you belong to, the one sending the requested item, and the one receiving the requested item.
  • E.g. You are a patron at Ohio State. However, you live in Mount Vernon. You request that an item be sent from Bowling Green to MVNU. Then, you will check that item out using your Ohio State patron account.
  • How do I know if a library is part of OhioLINK? Consult this list:

Circulation Policies

Item Type Loan Period Renewals Late Fees Charge if Lost
Books 21 days 4 renewals $.50 per day $50
DVDs 7 days 2 renewals $1 per day $50
Study Rooms 2 hours

Until reserved

- 1 hour

$1 per hour $100
Periodicals 7 days 2 renewals $1 per hour $50
Course Reserves 2 hours Until reserved
- 1 hour 
$1 per hour $50
Inter-Library Loans 28 days 2 renewals $.50 per day $100
Archives Not available for circulation Not available for circulation Not available for circulation Not available for circulation


We are here to help!

Contact us!

(740) 397-9000 ext.4240

Spring Semester Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 7:30am - 11:00pm (closed Mondays for chapel 10:15 - 11:20)

Friday: 7:30am - 6:00pm

Saturday: 1:00pm - 6:00pm

Sunday: 1:00pm - 11:00pm

CLOSED on the following dates: 2/22 - 3/2, 3/8-9, 4/18-20



Logging In

In order to log in to your library account, you will need:

Name: (only your last name is necessary)

University ID: (if your ID number starts with a zero, drop the zero . E.g. 041111 would become 41111)


Inter-Library Loan


  • If an item is unavailable through OhioLINK or the local MVNU catalog, you may see the option to request it through Inter-Library Loan. This will send a request to your local library staff, who will then identify libraries in the nation (or around the world) that can fulfill your request. There are two categories of materials that can be requested


  • A loan will send a physical copy of the material requested to your local library (Books, Media, etc.). Delivery times vary for these since they may come from anywhere in the nation.


  • If you are requesting an article or section of a book, the lending library can send copies of the material. It is recommended that the requested pages be <20 pages. This will be delivered to you as a digital file via email.


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