A: General Works
B: Philosophy
BF: Psychology
BL-BX: Religion
C: Archaeology, Genealogy
D: World History
E-F: History of the Americas
G: Geography + Anthropology
HB-HJ: Business + Economics
HM-HQ: Sociology, Family Studies
J: Political Science
K: Law
L: Education
M: Music
N: Fine Arts
P: Language and Literature
Q-QD: Math, Physics, Chemistry
QE-QK: Geology, Biology, Botany
QL-QR: Zoology, Physiology
R: Medicine
S: Agriculture
T: Technology
U: Military Science
V: Naval Science
Z: Library Science + Bibliography
First Letters are arranged Alphabetically: A > AA > Z
First Numbers are arranged as whole numbers: 5 > 20 > 300
Second Letters are arranged alphabetically: A > AA > Z
Second Numbers are treated as decimals: .100 > .33 > .7
4-digit numbers sometimes at the end of a call number refer to a year.
Years are sorted chronologically: 1900 > 1995 > 2010