What is OhioLINK?
OhioLINK, the Ohio Library and Information Network is a state-funded consortium of Ohio university and college member libraries and the State Library of Ohio. Students, faculty members, and staff members affiliated with OhioLINK institutions can request materials online, view journal articles online, search authoritative databases, and make use of other OhioLINK services that enhance research and reduce the cost of education for Ohio students.
How do I know if a library is part of OhioLINK? Consult this list: https://www.ohiolink.edu/members/print-list
Who can borrow Items through OhioLINK?
People who are registered users at OhioLINK libraries, and those with a library account at one of the SearchOhio libraries, have access to a virtual statewide library. Books, some audiovisual items, and other materials that are not available locally can be requested through the OhioLINK Central Catalog's member libraries.
How do I request an item through OhioLINK?
Find the desired book or item in the OhioLINK Central Catalog. The system looks for an available copy and selects a lending library.
Only items that are not available at your own institution may be requested in this way.
How long will it take for my requested item(s) to arrive?
If the items were available at a library when you requested them, they should be ready for pick up in 4-5 weekday business days at the library you chose as a pickup location. You can check on the status of your requested items by viewing your personal library record/account in your library's catalog. Once you are logged in, go to the requests (holds) portion of your Library Record to follow the progress of your request:
Some OhioLINK libraries also send courtesy e-mail notices about OhioLINK items that are ready for pick up. Contact library@mvnu.edu for details on e-mail notices or with questions about checking your record to see delivery status of your requested item.
Did you say I could pick these up at another library? (Pick-Up Anywhere)
Yes! All patrons at OhioLINK libraries can use the Pick-Up-Anywhere process.
This means that you are a patron at another library within the OhioLINK network, but are having materials delivered to our institution (or vice-versa). So, in this process, three libraries are involved: the one you belong to, the one sending the requested item, and the one receiving the requested item.
E.g. You are a patron at Ohio State. However, you live in Mount Vernon. You request that an item be sent from Bowling Green to MVNU. Then, you will check that item out using your Ohio State patron account.
How do I know if a library is part of OhioLINK? Consult this list: https://www.ohiolink.edu/members/print-list
How to Use Pick-Up Anywhere, Step-by-Step:
How does Pick-Up Anywhere Work?
So, there’s this OhioLINK thing and this SearchOhio thing. How are those different?
How do I use Search Ohio?
Contact us!
(740) 397-9000 ext.4240
Spring Semester Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 7:30am - 11:00pm (closed Mondays for chapel 10:15 - 11:20)
Friday: 7:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Sunday: 1:00pm - 11:00pm
CLOSED on the following dates: 2/22 - 3/2, 3/8-9, 4/18-20