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Using the Library: Searching Tips and Tricks

A guide to using Thorne Library's resources.

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Monday - Thursday: 7:30am - 11:00pm

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Welcome to Thorne Library

Here are a few tricks for getting better search results!

Full Text & Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals:

  • Selecting the "Full Text" box ensures that you can actually read the book or articles which appear in the results list. It's almost always a good idea to select this option.
  • Selecting the "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" box ensures that the articles in the results list have been critiqued by other academic professionals. When you're looking for a journal article, it's a good idea to select this option.


  • The asterisk (*) can be used to search for all words that start with the text before the asterisk
    • For example: politic* will bring results for "political," "politics," "politician," etc.
  • The question mark (?) can be used to replace a single letter within a word
    • For example: wom?n will include results for "woman" and "women"


  • The word "and" can be used to specify certain combinations of keywords
    • For example: "stocks and bonds"
  • The word "or" can be used to generate broader results
    • For example: "alaska or canada"
  • The words "and not" can be used to exclude irrelevant results
    • For example: "adventure and not vacation"

Search Fields:

  • You can alter the search type by changing the search field.
    • Useful fields include "AU Author," "TI Title," and "SU Subject Terms"
    • This can be found in the Advanced Search option

Searches with Multiple Words:

  • University science department
  • University and science and department
    • These two searches will retrieve the same results.
  • "University science department"
    • Quotation marks limit the search to materials which include the search text exactly as it is typed, so the results will be limited significantly.

Director of the Library

Profile Photo
Tim Radcliffe
Thorne Library
740-397-9000 ext. 4245


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