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Communication Sciences and Disorders: Books

For resources related to Communication Sciences and Disorders Majors and those taking Communication Sciences and Disorders classes.


Citing Books in APA

See below for guidance on citing books in APA  format (7th edition). For more information on citations, see Purdue OWL's guide to APA Format.

The basic format for citing a book is:

  • Firstname, A. B. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for first word in subtitle. Publisher Name. DOI (if available for eBooks).

If you are citing an article or chapter within an edited book, the basic format is:

  • Firstname, A. B., & Firstname, C. D. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In E. F. Lastname & G. H. Lastname (Eds.), Title of work: Capital letter also for the first word in the subtitle (pp. first page of chapter-last page of chapter). Publisher. DOI (if available).

Search for Books Online or through OhioLINK

To search for other books that are online or available through OhioLINK, start your search here. Try searching by keyword using your topic or subject area.

Search for More Books in the Thorne Library

Use the Thorne Library's online catalog to find other books. Try searching by keyword using your topic or subject area.

Library Online Catalog