This guide is intended as a starting point for research in the Communication Science & Disorders department. It highlights the following types of resources:
The tab for each of type of resource will list several examples, provide pointers on how to find other resources of that type, and give sample citations in the APA style.
General Library Information
If you are looking for books, journals, or media in the Thorne Library, you can search for materials through the library's online catalog. Try searching by subject using the terms "Speech Pathology," "Communication Disorders," etc.
CINAHL provides indexing for journals from the fields of nursing and allied health, with indexing back to 1937. Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses' Association, CINAHL Plus with Full Text covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.
In addition, this database offers access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals and book chapters, as well as Evidence-Based Care Sheet. Searchable cited references for many journals are also included. CINAHL Plus with Full Text provides full text 337 of journals, plus legal cases, clinical innovations, critical paths, drug records, research instruments and clinical trials. PDF backfiles to 1937 are also included.
Communication and Mass Media Complete incorporates CommSearch (formerly produced by the National Communication Association) and Mass Media Articles Index (formerly produced by Penn State) along with numerous other journals to create a research and reference resource in the communication and mass media fields. CMMC offers cover-to-cover (core) indexing and abstracts for over 300 journals, and selected (priority) coverage of over 100 more, for a combined coverage of over 400 titles. Furthermore, this database includes full text for nearly 200 journals. Many major journals have indexing, abstracts, PDFs and searchable citations from their first issues to the present (dating as far back as 1915). CMMC contains a sophisticated controlled vocabulary and comprehensive reference browsing (i.e. searchable citations for all peer-reviewed journals covered as core).
Index, abstracts, and full text for journals in communication and mass media.
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source covers nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, consumer health, and much more. This database is designed to meet the needs of researchers at healthcare facilities as well as nursing and allied health programs at academic institutions. ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source provides abstracting and indexing for more than 525 titles, with over 470 titles in full-text.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals, including nearly 450 peer-reviewed journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Also featured are abstracts and indexing for nearly 850 journals. Coverage of nursing and allied health is particularly strong.
In addition, this database includes Clinical Pharmacology, which provides access to up-to-date, concise and clinically relevant drug monographs for U.S. prescription drugs, herbal and nutritional supplements, over-the-counter products and new drugs. Health Source provides access to Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary. The majority of full text titles are available in native (searchable) PDF, or scanned-in-color. Full text information in this database dates as far back as 1975.
PsycINFO is an electronic bibliographic database providing abstracts and citations to the scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. The database includes material of relevance to psychologists and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work. It is a resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health, and contains over 3 million citations and summaries dating as far back as the 1600s. Ninety-nine percent of its content is peer-reviewed. Included is information on the psychological aspects of related fields such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, technology, linguistics, anthropology, business, law and others. Journal coverage, which spans from the 1800s to the present, includes international material selected from around 2,500 periodicals in dozens of languages.
Abstracts and citations to the scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences.