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Computer Science: Journal Articles

For resources related to Computer Science majors and those taking Computer Science classes.

Journal Articles

The most current scholarship and information will often be found in articles from periodicals. The databases listed below can help you find scholarly articles and articles that are intended for a popular or consumer audience (see below the database list for more information regarding the differences between these types of articles), depending on your need. In addition, this guide also highlights several relevant scholarly journals appropriate to this subject area.

Subject-Specific Databases and Journals

Search for More Journal Articles

Start your search here for other scholarly journal articles. When you get to the search results, filter them by Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals and limit to results that have Full Text. 

Filtering Search Results

On the search results page, you can limit and filter search results. Select to filter results to those that have a link to the full text and are from scholarly (peer reviewed) publications. In addition, consider narrowing the publication date to within the last 5-10 years.

Types of Journal Articles

While there are numerous kinds of periodical literature, it is important to distinguish between two key categories: scholarly and popular.

Scholarly Articles Popular Articles
  • Found in journals that are referred to as scholarly, academic, refereed, or peer-reviewed
  • Undergo peer-review--a rigorous process of review by experts in the field who evaluate the article for its accuracy, contribution to the field, and the quality of its scholarship (e.g., the design of the research conducted, the strength of the theoretical assumptions)
  • Typically written by scholars, researchers, and academics who are experts in the field
  • Often reporting original research or theoretical frameworks; though articles reviewing and systematizing other scholarship also factor significantly 
  • Provide citations for scholarship referenced
  • Found in publications such as magazines and news sources
  • Undergo review by an editor or editorial staff at the publication
  • Typically written by journalists who are not experts in the field
  • Usually report on ideas from others rather than original research
  • Do not typically provide citations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Citing Journal Articles in APA

See below for basic guidance on citing journal articles in APA  format (7th edition) . For more information on citations, see Purdue OWL's guide to APA Format.

The basic format for citing journal articles is is:

  • Lastname, A. B., Lastname, C. D., & Lastname, E. F. (Year). Title of article: Capital for first letter of subtitle. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), first page-last page.